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opacity: this.options.tintOpacity
}).animate().stop(!0, !0).fadeIn("slow") : (this.zoomTint.css({
opacity: this.options.tintOpacity
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setLensPostition: function(b) {},
setWindowPostition: function(b) {
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case 3:
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a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth;
case 5:
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a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth - a.zoomWindow.width() - 2 * a.options.borderSize;
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a.nzHeight && (a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight, a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.options.zoomWindowWidth / 2 - a.nzWidth / 2 + 2 * a.options.borderSize));
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a.windowOffsetLeft = 0;
case 8:
a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight;
a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize);
case 9:
a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight - a.zoomWindow.height() - 2 * a.options.borderSize;
a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize);
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(a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.options.zoomWindowHeight / 2 - a.nzHeight / 2), a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize));
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a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize);
case 12:
a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize);
a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize);
case 13:
a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize);
a.windowOffsetLeft =
case 14:
a.options.zoomWindowHeight > a.nzHeight && (a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize), a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.options.zoomWindowWidth / 2 - a.nzWidth / 2 + 2 * a.options.borderSize));
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a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth - a.zoomWindow.width() - 2 * a.options.borderSize;
case 16:
a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize);
a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth;
a.windowOffsetTop =
a.options.zoomWindowOffety, a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth
a.isWindowSet = !0;
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a.Eboppos && (a.windowTopPos = -1 * (a.largeHeight / a.currentZoomLevel - a.zoomWindow.height()));
a.Eroppos && (a.windowLeftPos = -1 * (a.largeWidth / a.currentZoomLevel - a.zoomWindow.width()));
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0), a.largeWidth < a.options.zoomWindowWidth && (a.windowLeftPos = 0), a.options.easing ? (a.xp || (a.xp = 0), a.yp || (a.yp = 0), a.loop || (a.loop = setInterval(function() {
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"background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px"
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"background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px"
a.changeBgSize = !1), a.zoomWindow.css({
backgroundPosition: a.windowLeftPos + "px " + a.windowTopPos + "px"
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"background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px"
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"px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px"
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"background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px"
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backgroundPosition: a.xp + "px " + a.yp + "px"
}, 16))) : (a.changeBgSize && (a.nzHeight > a.nzWidth ? ("lens" == a.options.zoomType && a.zoomLens.css({
"background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px"
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"background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight /
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"background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px"
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"background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px"
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"px " + a.windowTopPos + "px"
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this.Eboppos && (this.tintposy = -1 * (this.nzHeight - this.zoomLens.height() - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize));
this.Eroppos && (this.tintpos = -1 * (this.nzWidth - this.zoomLens.width() - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize));
this.options.tint && (this.fullheight && (this.tintposy = 0), this.fullwidth && (this.tintpos = 0), this.zoomTintImage.css({
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height: c.$elem.height()
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height: c.$elem.height()
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(c.zoomWrap.parent().css("height", c.options.constrainSize), c.zoomWrap.parent().css("width", c.constwidth), c.zoomWindow.css("height", c.options.constrainSize), c.zoomWindow.css("width", c.constwidth)), c.options.tint && (c.tintContainer.css("height", c.options.constrainSize), c.tintContainer.css("width", c.constwidth), c.zoomTint.css("height", c.options.constrainSize), c.zoomTint.css("width", c.constwidth), c.zoomTintImage.css("height", c.options.constrainSize), c.zoomTintImage.css("width", c.constwidth))), "width" ==
c.options.constrainType && (c.zoomContainer.css("height", "auto"), c.zoomContainer.css("width", c.options.constrainSize), c.options.imageCrossfade ? (c.zoomWrap.css("height", "auto"), c.zoomWrap.css("width", c.options.constrainSize), c.constheight = c.zoomWrap.height()) : (c.$elem.css("height", "auto"), c.$elem.css("width", c.options.constrainSize), c.constheight = c.$elem.height()), "inner" == c.options.zoomType && (c.zoomWrap.parent().css("height", c.constheight), c.zoomWrap.parent().css("width", c.options.constrainSize), c.zoomWindow.css("height",
c.constheight), c.zoomWindow.css("width", c.options.constrainSize)), c.options.tint && (c.tintContainer.css("height", c.constheight), c.tintContainer.css("width", c.options.constrainSize), c.zoomTint.css("height", c.constheight), c.zoomTint.css("width", c.options.constrainSize), c.zoomTintImage.css("height", c.constheight), c.zoomTintImage.css("width", c.options.constrainSize))))
doneCallback: function() {
this.options.loadingIcon && this.spinner.hide();
this.nzOffset = this.$elem.offset();
this.nzWidth = this.$elem.width();
this.nzHeight = this.$elem.height();
this.currentZoomLevel = this.options.zoomLevel;
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"window" == this.options.zoomType && (lensHeight = this.nzHeight < this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio ? this.nzHeight : String(this.options.zoomWindowHeight / this.heightRatio), lensWidth = this.options.zoomWindowWidth < this.options.zoomWindowWidth ? this.nzWidth : this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio, this.zoomLens && (this.zoomLens.css("width",
lensWidth), this.zoomLens.css("height", lensHeight)))
getCurrentImage: function() {
return this.zoomImage
getGalleryList: function() {
var b = this;
b.gallerylist = [];
b.options.gallery ? d("#" + b.options.gallery + " a").each(function() {
var a = "";
d(this).data("zoom-image") ? a = d(this).data("zoom-image") : d(this).data("image") && (a = d(this).data("image"));
a == b.zoomImage ? b.gallerylist.unshift({
href: "" + a + "",
title: d(this).find("img").attr("title"),
type: 'image'
}) : b.gallerylist.push({
href: "" + a + "",
title: d(this).find("img").attr("title"),
type: 'image'
}) :
href: "" + b.zoomImage + "",
title: d(this).find("img").attr("title"),
type: 'image'
return b.gallerylist
changeZoomLevel: function(b) {
this.scrollingLock = !0;
this.newvalue = parseFloat(b).toFixed(2);
newvalue = parseFloat(b).toFixed(2);
maxheightnewvalue = this.largeHeight / (this.options.zoomWindowHeight / this.nzHeight * this.nzHeight);
maxwidthtnewvalue = this.largeWidth / (this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.nzWidth * this.nzWidth);
"inner" != this.options.zoomType && (maxheightnewvalue <= newvalue ? (this.heightRatio = this.largeHeight /
maxheightnewvalue / this.nzHeight, this.newvalueheight = maxheightnewvalue, this.fullheight = !0) : (this.heightRatio = this.largeHeight / newvalue / this.nzHeight, this.newvalueheight = newvalue, this.fullheight = !1), maxwidthtnewvalue <= newvalue ? (this.widthRatio = this.largeWidth / maxwidthtnewvalue / this.nzWidth, this.newvaluewidth = maxwidthtnewvalue, this.fullwidth = !0) : (this.widthRatio = this.largeWidth / newvalue / this.nzWidth, this.newvaluewidth = newvalue, this.fullwidth = !1), "lens" == this.options.zoomType && (maxheightnewvalue <= newvalue ?
(this.fullwidth = !0, this.newvaluewidth = maxheightnewvalue) : (this.widthRatio = this.largeWidth / newvalue / this.nzWidth, this.newvaluewidth = newvalue, this.fullwidth = !1)));
"inner" == this.options.zoomType && (maxheightnewvalue = parseFloat(this.largeHeight / this.nzHeight).toFixed(2), maxwidthtnewvalue = parseFloat(this.largeWidth / this.nzWidth).toFixed(2), newvalue > maxheightnewvalue && (newvalue = maxheightnewvalue), newvalue > maxwidthtnewvalue && (newvalue = maxwidthtnewvalue), maxheightnewvalue <= newvalue ? (this.heightRatio = this.largeHeight /
newvalue / this.nzHeight, this.newvalueheight = newvalue > maxheightnewvalue ? maxheightnewvalue : newvalue, this.fullheight = !0) : (this.heightRatio = this.largeHeight / newvalue / this.nzHeight, this.newvalueheight = newvalue > maxheightnewvalue ? maxheightnewvalue : newvalue, this.fullheight = !1), maxwidthtnewvalue <= newvalue ? (this.widthRatio = this.largeWidth / newvalue / this.nzWidth, this.newvaluewidth = newvalue > maxwidthtnewvalue ? maxwidthtnewvalue : newvalue, this.fullwidth = !0) : (this.widthRatio = this.largeWidth / newvalue / this.nzWidth, this.newvaluewidth =
newvalue, this.fullwidth = !1));
scrcontinue = !1;
"inner" == this.options.zoomType && (this.nzWidth > this.nzHeight && (this.newvaluewidth <= maxwidthtnewvalue ? scrcontinue = !0 : (scrcontinue = !1, this.fullwidth = this.fullheight = !0)), this.nzHeight > this.nzWidth && (this.newvaluewidth <= maxwidthtnewvalue ? scrcontinue = !0 : (scrcontinue = !1, this.fullwidth = this.fullheight = !0)));
"inner" != this.options.zoomType && (scrcontinue = !0);
scrcontinue && (this.zoomLock = 0, this.changeZoom = !0, this.options.zoomWindowHeight / this.heightRatio <= this.nzHeight &&
(this.currentZoomLevel = this.newvalueheight, "lens" != this.options.zoomType && "inner" != this.options.zoomType && (this.changeBgSize = !0, this.zoomLens.css({
height: String(this.options.zoomWindowHeight / this.heightRatio) + "px"
})), "lens" == this.options.zoomType || "inner" == this.options.zoomType) && (this.changeBgSize = !0), this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio <= this.nzWidth && ("inner" != this.options.zoomType && this.newvaluewidth > this.newvalueheight && (this.currentZoomLevel = this.newvaluewidth), "lens" != this.options.zoomType &&
"inner" != this.options.zoomType && (this.changeBgSize = !0, this.zoomLens.css({
width: String(this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio) + "px"
})), "lens" == this.options.zoomType || "inner" == this.options.zoomType) && (this.changeBgSize = !0), "inner" == this.options.zoomType && (this.changeBgSize = !0, this.nzWidth > this.nzHeight && (this.currentZoomLevel = this.newvaluewidth), this.nzHeight > this.nzWidth && (this.currentZoomLevel = this.newvaluewidth)));
closeAll: function() {
self.zoomWindow && self.zoomWindow.hide();
self.zoomLens && self.zoomLens.hide();
self.zoomTint && self.zoomTint.hide()
changeState: function(b) {
"enable" == b && (this.options.zoomEnabled = !0);
"disable" == b && (this.options.zoomEnabled = !1)
d.fn.elevateZoom = function(b) {
return this.each(function() {
var a = Object.create(k);
a.init(b, this);
d.data(this, "elevateZoom", a)
d.fn.elevateZoom.options = {
zoomActivation: "hover",
zoomEnabled: !0,
preloading: 1,
zoomLevel: 1,
scrollZoom: !1,
scrollZoomIncrement: 0.1,
minZoomLevel: !1,
maxZoomLevel: !1,
easing: !1,
easingAmount: 12,
lensSize: 200,
zoomWindowWidth: 400,
zoomWindowHeight: 400,
zoomWindowOffetx: 0,
zoomWindowOffety: 0,
zoomWindowPosition: 1,
zoomWindowBgColour: "#fff",
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lensFadeOut: !1,
debug: !1,
zoomWindowFadeIn: !1,
zoomWindowFadeOut: !1,
zoomWindowAlwaysShow: !1,
zoomTintFadeIn: !1,
zoomTintFadeOut: !1,
borderSize: 4,
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borderColour: "#888",
lensBorderSize: 1,
lensBorderColour: "#000",
lensShape: "square",
zoomType: "window",
containLensZoom: !1,
lensColour: "white",
lensOpacity: 0.4,
lenszoom: !1,
tint: !1,
tintColour: "#333",
tintOpacity: 0.4,
gallery: !1,
galleryActiveClass: "zoomGalleryActive",
imageCrossfade: !1,
constrainType: !1,
constrainSize: !1,
loadingIcon: !1,
cursor: "default",
responsive: !0,
onComplete: d.noop,
onZoomedImageLoaded: function() {},
onImageSwap: d.noop,
onImageSwapComplete: d.noop
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